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Sad Neutrino Bitches

Label: Spastic Fantastic

  • LP 11,90
Sad Neutrino Bitches (SNB) come from Jena/Germany and play Garage Punk / Trash. The band is known for the very high voice of the male singer called Highestvoiceonearth, their trippy shows and the fast songs. "SQUAW" is their 2nd LP after they released the split 12" "Too sad to fuck" together with "Paul Harbour" on Superkamiokande Rec. in 2006. The record (limited on 300 pcs.) looks phantastic. It comes with a copper cover, a very good looking inlay and a feather. Right, a feather! Nice. SNB play trashy, frantic, treble-prone Garage Punk. They are influenced by great American Garage-Punkbands like Gories, Oblivians, JSBX, all the Crypt Records stuff and many Punk- and Oldschool-Harcorebands. But they have their very own, very weird style. The songs are about being ugly, being pissed, being not clever or being a misfit. Best songs of the album are "Born in prison", "Descent" and "Stoner Suckers". SNB already performed 120 gigs all over Central Europe. The band still exists (since 2000). Very good, very authentic record!

Song Titles

  • Descent
  • Stoner Suckers
  • Born In Prison
  • Cut Snake
  • The Audience
  • Black And Blue
  • Pissed Off
  • Records
  • Safari With Charlton Heston
  • Flowry Bed
  • Mature Market Woman
  • Far West