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La Quiete
La Fine Non E La Fine

Label: React with Protest

  • 10" 7,90
Finally back in stock - the classic 10" with a new design and glued pocket cover. For all you poor people that still don t know that band or this record, here's a review:

"And today, the record remains one of the best screamo albums of the last five years, and possibly the best underground release Italy's had to offer in that time. Quite simply, La Quiete thrives on drawing beauty from chaos. A percussive backbone rapidly changes between lightning-fast flailing and tempered hits, pushing forward cathartic guitars and pained, layered screams. The band put on violent display after violent display, taking from Orchid's distraught, overwhelming nature as they always have but dabbing it with multiple moments of restraint and a constant thrush of aching chords and vocal yelps. Either way, La Fine Non รจ La Fine is practically a genre masterpiece"

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